The Riad has Internet access for guests via a guest laptop. This laptop features media slots to enable guests to download images and possibly to e-mail these home or to friends and colleagues.
The Riad is WIFI enabled throughout, free of charge.
A fax machine, printer, copier and scanner is available.
We arrange corporate incentive schemes for any number of ‘winners’ using our neighbouring riads and El Zohar as the centre of activity. Celebratory dinners including a wonderful evening of musicians, dancers and fine dining enhance the experience. Contact us to discuss the possibilities to suit your programme.
El Zohar is also used for off-site management & board meetings & for staff training. Visiting Marrakech and staying in riads is very competitive compared to most European & Mediteranean locations. It is a unique, exotic, memorable visit for the participants, which will be remembered.
Call us today on 0044 (0) 7802203124 to make a booking or fill out the contact form below
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